Livevital Tea

Retail Price :$7.21
Saved Amount: $3
Discount Percentage: 45%
Preferred Customer Price:$4
PV: 5

Livevital Tea is a rejuvenating elixir crafted to invigorate your senses and elevate your well-being. This carefully curated blend features a harmonious combination of five powerhouse ingredients: Tetrepieura tetreptera, Theobroma cacao, Parkia biglobosa, Cinnamomum verym, and Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. Derived from the Tetrepieura tetreptera plant, this exotic botanical infusion boasts a myriad of health benefits, ranging from antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to potential immune-boosting effects. Paired with the rich, indulgent flavor of Theobroma cacao, known for its mood-lifting qualities and antioxidant content, Livevital Tea offers a delightful fusion of taste and wellness.


Parkia biglobosa adds a unique dimension to the blend with its nutty undertones and potential health benefits, while Cinnamomum verym contributes its aromatic essence and potential medicinal properties. Cymbopogon citratus Stapf, commonly known as lemongrass, infuses a refreshing citrusy note and is believed to possess anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. Embrace vitality with every sip as Livevital Tea nurtures your body and mind. Whether enjoyed as a morning ritual to kickstart your day or as a soothing evening beverage to unwind, this exquisite blend promises to enliven your senses and nourish your spirit.


Savor the goodness of nature with Livevital Tea and embark on a journey to vitality, one cup at a time.


Add one (1) to two (2) tea bag into hot water for 3-5minutes. Natural honey can be added to taste.


Pregnant woman, nursing mothers & children under six (6} years should contact their doctor before using the product.


1. Fights oxidative stress, supports cellular health.

2. Reduces inflammation, aids joint health, lowers disease risk.

3. Enhances mood, promotes relaxation.

4. Strengthens immune system.

5. Supports heart health, maintains blood pressure, reduces risk of heart disease.

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